Brain Shaman
Brain Shaman is a philosophical and scientific journey towards better brain health. Michael Waite discusses how you can change your brain state and overall nervous system via behavior, nutrition, nature, and technology. Mental illness, addiction, and low brain function are destroying so many people and societies. By becoming increasingly disconnected from our natural mind-body-world and plugged into the artificial ones, we are getting sicker, weaker, and less free. We must become more conscious of how the information that we consume (in the form of action, food, drugs, sensory input, media, etc.) affects our brain. This podcast teaches you how to reconnect with your primordial nature, reprogram your brain, regain your freedom, and redirect your life.
Brain Shaman
Michael Morin Nissen: Looking Trauma in the Eyes — Eye-Oriented TRE and Trauma Therapy | Episode 59
Michael Morin Nissen is a psychologist, body-oriented psychotherapist, and TRE trainer. In this episode, we talk about various trauma therapies such as Tension and Trauma Release Exercises (TRE), bioenergetics, and body-oriented psychotherapy. We discuss the history behind such therapies as well as how they can be used to help people with, for example, multiple sclerosis (MS), depression, or childhood trauma. The conversation largely centers around the role of the eyes and face in understanding and releasing such trauma. By the end of the episode, you will have a greater understanding of trauma as a whole-body phenomenon, TRE and other therapies, and the connection between trauma and the eyes. This will hopefully help you better understand your own bodily, facial, and ocular habits, and how to return your nervous system to a safe and regulated state.
**Connect with Michael Morin Nissen**
website: www.morin-nissen.com
LinkedIn: /michael-morin-nissen-0b6a90114
YouTube: @tredanmark8689
- Alexander Lowen
- Bruno Adler
- David Berceli
- Sigmund Freud
- Stephen Porges
- Wilhelm Reich
- Will Davis
- bioenergetics
- body-oriented psychotherapy
- brainspotting
- Emotional Core Perception (ECP)
- functional analysis
- grounding
- Tension & Trauma Releasing Exercises (TRE)
website: www.morin-nissen.com
LinkedIn: /michael-morin-nissen-0b6a90114
YouTube: @tredanmark8689